Higgilty Piggilty.
I have had a very higgilty piggilty life, some may say turbulent, even traumatic, language I may have used in the past. However, I know find myself in a place that I have let go of all that emotion, it was not serving me well.
There is after all only “now” I am writing this blog now, when you read it, I will have written it in the past, and the coffee I am planning on making will be in the future.
Knowing this helps me to focus on what is important, I no longer need to know why past events happened, the effect they may have had on me, good or bad, only to know that I learned and grew from these experiences and add a big fat full stop at the end.
Like clouds in the sky, I let my thoughts come and go without paying them too much attention. There are more fluffy clouds now as opposed to the big black thunderous ones, and yes, they still appear, but I notice and let them pass, I do not hold on to them.
Here is a lovely Zen lesson.
A senior and junior monk were travelling together when they reached a fast- flowing river. As they prepared to cross, they noticed a young woman who asked if they would help her across.
The two monks glanced at each other; they had taken vows to never touch a woman.
Then without a word the elder monk picked up the women and carried her across the river, placed her down and continued his journey.
The younger monk was astonished and after catching up, continued with the older monk for an hour without either saying a word.
Two more hours passed then three, finally the younger monk could not contain himself, and blurted out “As monks we are not permitted a woman, how could you then carry that woman on your shoulders?”
The Older monk looked at him and replied, “Brother, I set her down on the other side of the river, why are you still carrying her.”
If you are planning a wedding, a special event or whatever you are doing in life, if you feel overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, let those clouds pass by, do not hold on to them.
Enjoy your higgilty piggilty life.